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How to Be at Peace as a Single Christian Once and For All

To the single Christian, have you been struggling in your season of singleness? Trying to remain content, but still daydreaming of a potential spouse and being consumed with anxiety? This post is all about finding peace in singleness.

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Singleness is a topic that many Christians wrestle with. The desire can weigh heavy on your heart to be married and have a family. This constant battle to be fully content in the Lord while having these desires unfulfilled and (unfortunately) the pressures from your church, family, and other Christians to get married young doesn’t help.

I want to emphasize that I understand your struggles. For nearly 5 years, I prayed and struggled to find full contentment in the Lord alone. Finally, after many years the Lord has answered my prayers changing my heart and mind completely. This biblical story was a revelation for me as a single Christian.

Are You Willing to Give Up Anything For Christ?

And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.”

Genesis 22:2, KJV

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This story taken from Genesis 22 is all about faith. Many people ask why God would ask Abraham to sacrifice Isacc. To provide additional context, Isaac was Abraham’s most beloved. He was the son promised to Him by God and his miracle child (Genesis 15:4-5). Of course, we know in the end Abraham did not sacrifice Isacc (Genesis 22:11-12), however, he was willing to do so if it was asked by God. It’s interesting to read considering the significance of this child and how much he meant to Abraham. To give him up tested the bounds of his faith and obedience towards God immensely. There are other "said" reasons why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son based on scripture (for a full breakdown check out this amazing article). However, the main theme seems to encapsulate faith. A test to see if Abraham would remain faithful to God no matter the sacrifice or cost

So, you may be asking what does this have to do with being a single Christian? How can this story provide a lesson to implement in singleness? Well, it’s simple, it provides a biblical representation of living by faith and obedience. This story brings us biblical truth, vital reminders, and reflections on faith and obedience toward God.

Ask yourself…

Do you really trust God to the point where you would surrender every desire to Him? (Reflect back towards Abraham's faith)

Sometimes our faith grows even more when we surrender our timing and potentially the things we want the most for God’s divine will (even if those desires are Godly and pure). You have to get to a place where you fully trust God and His plan, to the point that you would be willing to give up any and everything for Him. Once you get to this place it is the most freeing feeling. 

This practice is similar to denying oneself what you would want and instead thinking of what would God want from you. Jesus puts it best, 

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Luke 9:23, KJV

single christian


When praying about being content in singleness, someone brought up the story of Abraham and Isacc. It stuck with me. I never appreciated the significance of this story illustrating bold faith and obedience. We need to be willing to live by Luke 9:23 and meditate on the examples provided in the Bible. Applying this to singleness and all other areas of potential discontentment.

Instead of focusing on our timing and our will set yourself free by accepting God’s timing and will for your life. Go in prayer and read His word for guidance. What God has for you will happen (no one can stop it Isaiah 14:27). He knows everything about you (more than you know yourself) from your desires to every hair on your head (Luke 12:7, Psalm 139). He knows You and will provide for you exactly what you need when you need it. His thoughts are higher and plans for you are greater than you could imagine (Matthew 7:11, Isaiah 55:8-9, Matthew 6:26-34). 

We have to remember this truth. No man, child, or thing on this earth will satisfy you or make you feel completely happy. Only through Christ, you will find true fulfillment. Once you cling to this truth it is once again freeing. Living a life with just Jesus is beyond sufficient. It is something to be grateful for and celebrate daily. It is truly indescribable how amazing it is to have Him as our Lord and Savior. 

Of course, this is not to say that you should ignore this desire or not think about it. We are commanded to pray about everything (including your desire for marriage). Bring it to the Lord, but don’t let it consume you. Be happy in Christ no matter the outcome.

I hope these biblical truths and reflections on the story of Abraham and Isacc made you think twice about your contentment in Christ while living as a single Christian. : )

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