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Can a Christian date a Non-Christian?

Writer's picture: Brenna SolielBrenna Soliel
Can a Christian date a non-believer? This post is all about what the Bible says about dating a non-believer and the ultimate answer to can a Christian date a non-Christian.

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Can a Christian date a Non-Christian


Disclaimer: I am writing this post to warn other Christians about the severity of this topic. As a Christian who has struggled with this in the past, I am in no way judging you. I have been in your exact shoes and understand how you feel. I hope to give you encouragement and biblical truth. Thank you. : ) Enjoy this post on can a Christian date a non-believer.

What does the Bible say about Dating a Non-believer?

Let’s cut to the chase 🚘, the most important source to get our answers to this question is the Bible. 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 is a specific text that provides guidance into two people uniting together and principles to go about this manner in a biblical way.

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

2 Corinthians 6:14-15, KJV

The verses provide insight into the reality of forming a partnership or union between a Christian and an unbeliever. Two people in a close partnership or union should share the same spiritual foundation, Jesus. While dating or marriage is not specifically stated in this text let’s consider the nature of these things. As a Christian, dating is with the intention of finding someone that you can permanently be within marriage. Well if the purpose of dating is to get to know someone and to eventually marry as Christians isn’t this a strong union? Marriage is so strong that you two will become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). Taking that into consideration the principles of union and partnership within 2 Corinthians would apply to something as strong as marriage. Therefore, the Bible is clear that we have no business being with unbelievers romantically. Actually, there are dangers of dating an unbeliever to consider…

Dangers of Dating an Unbeliever

Can a Christian date a Non-Christian

@Gahan N Rao

Dangers of Dating an Unbeliever: Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

You’ve heard the saying “Bad company corrupts good morals”. Well, this is actually from 1 Corinthians 15:33. It’s important to consider the dangerous or unbiblical habits that this unbeliever has may fall on you. Now, I’m not saying every unbeliever is “bad company”, but it’s important to address the influence others have on us. This influence is even stronger when you are romantically involved. It is inevitable that the unbeliever will have different morals and standards of living that are not on the basis of the Bible. These differences in one way or another can rub off on you no matter how much you resist them. Here are some examples of how these influences can creep into your life:

  • The unbeliever can keep pushing or persuading you to do other things and you start missing Bible study or minimize Bible reading time

  • The unbeliever can start playing or asking you to engage in entertainment that is against your convictions, such as horror movies, secular music, partying, drinking, etc.

  • The unbeliever can start to push you to do things you feel uncomfortable with physically within dating.

These are just some of the things I have seen from my fellow Christian friends and myself in this situation.

Dangers of Dating an Unbeliever: Too Many Conflicting Beliefs (Pulling in Different Directions)

With completely different foundations it’s inevitable to have several conflicting beliefs. Yes, everyone will have differences but these differences are foundational standards rather than preferences. Examples of this would be the beliefs in raising children, prayer, going to church, marriage, etc.

Having completely different standards within these areas will further cause friction and for both people to pull in different directions. If you have the same foundation in Christ you both have the same foundation and can work together and build each other up in Christ, ultimately having a marriage that glorifies amazing does that sound: ) That being said these conflicting beliefs will lead to less harmony.

Dangers of Dating an Unbeliever: Fuels us to act out of Fear & Impatience

Dating an unbeliever is often fueled by our acts of desperation or impatience. Let’s be honest when we want something we want it when we want it (which is usually right at that moment). We become impatient or fear that we may never have a Christian spouse and thus go away from God’s natural order. Rather than trusting in the Lord, we put matters into our own hands which always leads to more pain and heartache. Giving into the temptation to date an unbeliever fuels all of this fear and impatience.

Parting Words…

I know it may be hard at times ladies. I understand the desire to have a family, a Christian husband, and children. Trust me I am with you. However, it’s important to trust in God and be patient. No matter how old you think you are or how much time you think you have on your biological time clock don’t act out of fear of the unknown. Deny your flesh, always trust in the Lord, and trust the process. Also don’t fight the battle alone pray, pray, and pray.

Encouraging Scriptures to lead you with (Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 8:28, Luke 9:23, Philippians 4:6-7) 🤎

What does the bible say about dating a non-believer

And before you go...

Dangers of dating an unbeliever


This post was all about can a Christian date a non-believer and what the Bible says about dating a non-believer. If you liked this post you'll like these related posts:

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