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The Problem with New Age Spirituality: Dangers of New Age Practices

Interested in the problem with new age spirituality? This post is all about the dangers of new age practices.

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Dangers of New Age


Astrology, Law of Attraction, Spirit Guides, & Angel Numbers…

I’m sure you’ve seen it all throughout your life in some form or another: Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Tarot cards, “Angel” cards, Fortune Telling, Astrology, “Angel” Numbers, etc. All these things (and much more) are a part of new age practices. You have even seen that many people (even myself before I was a Christian) try to mix New Age and Christianity. Unfortunately, many people are being blind-sighted by these things through their delivery, and the fact that many of us are ignorant of what is truly going on. In our society today, many of these new age practices are presented in a “cute, light-hearted” way. Just like the sweet, but deadly Ethylene glycol. People are drinking up these seemingly sweet new-age practices, but don’t realize they are being killed spiritually in the process.

Today, we will go over the problem with New Age spiritually and the dangers of new practices. I hope you will be able to discern these practices from true Christianity.

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Proverbs 14:12 KJV

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts.

2 Timothy 4:3

What is the New Age Movement? & Why People Are Eating it Up

As an ex-new ager who was in the movement for over 5 years here is a brief summary.

The New Age Age Movement is identified as a new, enlightened way of thinking and living your life in that way rather than a religion. This movement is rooted in mysticism and involves these foundational beliefs that form it:

  1. You create your own reality - You are your own God

  2. Following Your Heart’s Desires - Do what you want

  3. No absolutes - No moral compass or guidelines so the line between good and evil is blurred

  4. People, things, and nature are all a part of one divine essence and are all one. Therefore, everyone is their own God.

  5. Think positive, positive, positive as it will affect your reality (law of attraction). What you think you will attract.

  6. Encouraged to communicate with spirits, spirit guides, etc.

The problem with new age spirituality


This is just a simple summary of the main beliefs that make up the New Age movement. All of these beliefs are manifested in the form of several practices that reflect these things. You can review the introduction to see some of those examples.

What makes the New Age so enticing to people is the fact that you can be “spiritual” while being selfish not rejecting what you want. You don’t have to give up your sins or what you want rather you can follow your heart. There are no rules (other than to be positive) or accountability. It is made for you to believe you can create whatever your heart desires because you are your own god.

The Dangers of New Age: New Age Deception

The dangers of New Age is it completely rejects the gospel and the need we have for it. If you go through the beliefs one by one you can see how they completely contradict God’s word and the gospel.

The overall beliefs focus on the fact that you are your own God which would mean you do not have a need for God. This is contrary to the Bible as there is only one God (1 Corinthians 6:8) (Colossians 1:17) and He deserves all the glory and honor. In addition, the New Age is all about following your heart and living for yourself which is quite appealing to our flesh. However, the Bible is clear on these two matters (Jeremiah 17:9).

Also, there are no eternal absolutes or moral compass to assess what is right and wrong. Unlike the Bible which lays out God’s commands and what is pure to grow in Christ (mature spiritually), understand His character, and provide a guide to live as Jesus Christ would live. It’s most likely because as humans we naturally rebel against His law and would prefer to live in our sins or to do whatever makes us happy (despite the consequences).

Another scary aspect that may seem innocent, but is actually quite dangerous is communicating with spirits. Despite the names that people often give spirit guides they are “familiar spirits” which are demons (Leviticus 19:31) (2 Corinthians 11:14). Based on scripture, false philosophies or ideologies, such as the New Age are deceptive. These practices lead to a path of destruction and for you to be spiritually dead (leading to death).

How to Identify It?

Now, that you know the main differences between scripture and false New Age teachings you are one step closer to being able to discern between what is of God and what is of the New Age.

We recommend you equip yourself with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). If you haven’t accepted Christ into your life, further understand the Gospel and how you can be saved (check out the video at the end of the post). Now for the Christians and new believers focus on building your relationship through God by living out His word, reading the Bible, and praying daily.

I also would recommend checking out this video from someone who was heavily in the New Age and is now a born again Christian.


A Warning to People in the New Age

As an ex-new ager, I used to believe these things and practice them daily. I believed them and took comfort in thinking my spirit guides were with me, angel numbers, and the fact that I didn’t have to change my desires or sacrifice anything. I created this teddy bear Jesus in my head. A Jesus that did not convict me of my sin nor died for my sins.

I thought if I was a good person I would go to heaven, but praise God I now know the true Jesus and the only way to get to heaven. There is nothing you or I could do to earn our salvation. Salvation is through grace and faith alone (not works-based). Through such grace, we are led to repentance. Salvation is completed through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit and we are born again. We are justified and made righteous in the sight of God through Jesus our Lord and Savior. He is our defense. To know the saving message of the Gospel in a more visual light, check out the three-circle demonstration below. It makes it so clear and simple to understand.

Dangers of New Age

This post was all about the problem with new age spirituality and the dangers of new age practices. If you liked this post you'll like these related posts:


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