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Always Focus on God's Will: Why You Shouldn’t Worry About the Future

Writer's picture: Brenna SolielBrenna Soliel
This post is about focusing on God's will and why you shouldn’t worry about the future.

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Gods will


Have you made plans recently, but those plans fell through? Or do you have a vision for your life, but you’re nowhere near it? All of these things are normal. As Christians, we strive to constantly focus on God's will. However, is our will in alignment with His? And if our will is in alignment why do we worry about the future when things fall through? We are going to dive into God’s will and how this intertwines with why you shouldn’t worry about the future.

What is God's Will For Your Life (Generally)?

While God has a specific will and plan for each individual in Christ, there is a general will God has for all believers.

Salvation & Sharing the Gospel

Repentance and trusting in Jesus is not only the first step in becoming a believer but in God's will (2 Proverbs 28:13) (Mark 1:15). Of course repentance and trust come from first hearing the saving message of the gospel. This presentation is the gospel summarized through the three circles.


Through understanding the gospel, trusting in Jesus, and turning from our sinful ways we are now Christians. Christians can determine God's will through….you guessed it His word.

Following His Word & the Sanctification Process

God’s word provides several commands that align us with His will. This is why it is crucial to constantly be reading and studying His word. The more we study His word the clearer His will becomes. There are several commandments, but here are the majority to provide clarity on His will through the Bible. What’s beautiful about His commandments is they all are for our good and bring us closer to Him.

  • To Give Thanks (Psalms 136:1-3)

Gods will


  • Being Sanctified & Fleeing From Sexual Immorality (1 Thessalonians 4:3)

  • Pray to Him (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Gods will

  • Follow His Commandments (John 14:15)

Gods will


  • Study Scripture (Joshua 1:8)

How to Include God's Will In Your Plan

Now, that an understanding is established of God's general will, we can focus on God's will in your personal life. Specifically, how can His will be implemented into your life, life plans, and aspirations? 

God's will is implemented through the obedience of His will for You. Obedience expresses love as if we love Him we follow His commandments. Therefore, seek to follow His word above others' opinions, what society deems acceptable, etc. Here are a few beautiful verses that are promises of what God does for the ones who love Him.

Gods will


28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28, KJV

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

John 14:21, KJV

In addition, when making decisions in your life (as reflected in what God commands) it’s vital to pray about it. Any matter we should bring to God before creating plans or making decisions. God will give you peace in matters when you seek Him first and glorify Him in every decision you encounter. 

His will is essential over anything else.

Gods will

God's will may Override your Plans

Even though we may seek the Lord in our plans for the future it doesn’t always work out the way we hoped. Plans being changed or goals not being fulfilled can be discouraging and cause many to worry about the future. However, it’s important to “leave room in your plans for God to change them as He will”, as my pastor states. We don’t know how God is going to work in our lives, what doors will open or close, and how all of this works out in His plan for us. Sometimes it's clear what God is doing in our life and sometimes it's not clear. However, when we look at God's character and His sovereignty it actually should bring you peace rather than worry and concern. 

God is Sovereign over Everything

As stated, God is sovereign over everything (Psalm 115:3) (Psalm 135:6). What He wants to happen will happen, no matter the grand plans we have for our lives. Remember even though we may think something is good for us doesn’t always mean that is the case. How many times has this been proven? Reflect on your life on things you wanted and how grateful you are that those things didn’t work out. Not only should you reflect on the goodness of God in your life, but this true statement from His word. His thoughts, His ways, everything is so much better than ours. It’s a reassuring beautiful truth to hold on to when something you wanted didn’t work out the way you planned.

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9, KJV

Seek God’s will in your Plans

Planning is not a bad thing. We should be responsible and have plans that seek to glorify God. However, it’s important to remember that God is always in control and that you must leave space for a potentially different outcome. Remember next time your plan doesn’t go your way, as long as you focus on His will over anything else you have nothing to worry about.

Gods will


9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.

Proverbs 16:9, KJV

This post was all about Gods will and why you shouldn't worry about the future. If you liked this post you'll like these related posts:


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