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Trusting God in All Circumstances & Motivating Bible Verses on Trusting God

Writer's picture: Brenna SolielBrenna Soliel

Updated: Jan 20, 2024

Are you going through a difficult time right now? This post is all about trusting God in all circumstances and providing bible verses on trusting God.

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Trusting God in All Circumstances


First Things First...

To learn how to trust God in all circumstances it’s important to establish a solid foundation. We must first analyze ourselves to understand why we naturally struggle with trusting God in all circumstances and analyze scripture to understand all aspects of trusting God in all circumstances.

Why is Trusting God in All Circumstances Difficult?

Trusting God in our lives is easier said than done. The nature of humans looks to the knowledge that we know, what we see in the now, and the obstacles we face. That’s why faith is such a hard concept for many to grasp. Faith completely goes against this nature to only trust in what we can see. Faith is being certain and believing in what we hope for even though we cannot see it. 1 Peter 1:3-9 provides so much insight into the concept of faith and the value of going through trials.

Fortunately for us as Christians God provides us with this faith through His abundant grace. A faith that makes us able to believe the gospel and to trust in God despite the circumstances. However, that doesn’t mean we trust in God 100% of the time like we should. Even as Christians we still struggle with sin daily and will continue to fight the battle until our last breath. Thus we still will struggle with trusting God, especially in the hard seasons of life.

The story of Peter walking towards Jesus on the water is a prime example of how we can trust God and be steered off course by focusing on these obstacles or factors surrounding us. Peter displays how all of us can be when it comes to our natural inclination of faith.

But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter came down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Matthew 14:27-31, KJV

Trusting God in All Circumstances


Now that we have an understanding of our unbelief and why it can seem challenging to trust God in all circumstances let’s dive into why it’s so crucial to fight our unbelief and focus on trusting God despite everything that is happening.

The Importance of Trusting in God in All Circumstances

The importance of trusting in God is seen all across God’s word. First, we are commanded to trust in God (Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 4:5). As discussed above, we are given access to this faith thus we should be exercising it daily (trusting in Him and acknowledging Him). Hebrews discusses how God views people who live righteously and through faithful trust. In addition, it shows how He views people who “shrink back” or have a lack of faith (Hebrews 10:38, Hebrews 11:6).

6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Hebrews 11:6

As discussed, above trusting in God requires faith. Our faith should continue to grow and be exercised daily. Mark 11 discusses the importance of faith and once again commands us to have “faith in God”. Thus to continue growing in Christ and growing our relationship with Him we should be constantly focusing our eyes upon Him rather than life circumstances. All of this points back to trusting in God.

How to Trust God

Now, trusting in God cannot be easily done with the push of a button. However, we can provide you with tips to further help you.

First, you must have faith. As Christians, we are given this faith to trust in the Lord. It’s God’s grace that He has extended this faith to you. The same faith to believe in Him and the saving message of the gospel. That being said, if you are not a Believer in Christ Jesus it is impossible to trust in God. If you aren't sure you are a believer or understand the gospel. Review the gospel message listed at the end of this post or contact us through message! We are here to help.

Now, if you know that you are a Christian and have access to this God-given faith. We will provide simple yet powerful tips.

  • How to Trust God: Pray

Praying to God to help you trust in Him even in difficult circumstances is powerful. Go to Him with everything and pray without ceasing. Praying selflessly and faithfully for things that will benefit you spiritually while of course being obedient to God’s will is powerful (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Matthew 7:7)

  • How to Trust God: Surround Yourself with Godly Content

When struggling to trust in the Lord talking with fellow believers about God is very encouraging. There are so many times we see God working in our lives so it’s so encouraging to talk to others about God. If you don’t have any Christian friends talking with the elders at your church or watching testimonies online can be just as encouraging.

  • How to Trust God: Remind Yourself of His Faithfulness

Sometimes in difficult times we often forget about God’s faithfulness. Reminding yourself of how He has been there for you always and has provided in incredible ways is another valuable action to take. Writing these down, praying to God about these experiences, or talking with friends about God’s faithfulness is a practical yet valuable tip to include.

  • How to Trust God: Read His Word

Reading His word points back to the character of God. Again learning about His perfection and faithfulness throughout the passages in the Bible is another beautiful reminder of God’s faithfulness. There are so many stories that focus on trusting God (similar to the Peter story). Focusing your Bible plan or devotionals on trusting God is optimal to focus on the area you are currently lacking.

With that being said here are a few Bible verses on trusting God in all circumstances.

Bible Verses on Trusting God

1 Peter 1:6-7

Trusting God in All Circumstances

Proverbs 3:5-6

bible verses on trusting god

Philippians 4:6-7

bible verses on trusting god

Romans 8:28-29

bible verses on trusting god

Romans 5:3-5

bible verses on trusting god

Parting Words...

We hope this post provided insight and encouragement when trusting God in all circumstances. Now that you have practical tips and scripture to tackle this issue share this information with someone else struggling with trusting in God.

And Before You Go

bible verses on trusting god


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