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14 Simple Ways to Share the Gospel

Writer: Brenna SolielBrenna Soliel

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Are you looking for ways to share the gospel? This post is all about simple ways to share the gospel in your everyday life. 😅

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ways to share the gospel

First and foremost...

We are all Called to Make Disciples. We all know as followers of Jesus the general purpose we all share is to spread the gospel. Sharing the gospel is stated multiple times within the Bible. A prominent verse that clearly states this is Matthew 28:19. We are all commanded to make disciples. Without sharing the gospel how can we do this? That is why we are here to give you simple yet creative ways to share the gospel in your everyday life. These methods and ideas come from our personal experience in ministries, mission trips, and our walk with Christ. With that being said here are some ways to share the gospel.


Ways to Share the Gospel: The 3 Circles

The three-circle presentation is one of the many easy ways to share the gospel. It’s an amazing yet underrated tool to share the gospel. Even if you don’t have the materials or time to draw out the circles you can take insight from this presentation as it organizes the gospel in such a simple way. The three circles are a visual and simple way to share the gospel in a short amount of time. Now, we recommend watching the video below as it is much easier to understand through a visual display rather than text. However, we still summarize the three-circle presentation for you!


The three-circle presentation provides a basis for God’s original design of the world and how our sin brought upon the brokenness we see today. This presentation is quite simple in its understanding as it first discusses how the world is broken which we can all see through war, violence, crime, disease, etc. Within this broken world, people try to find happiness or fill this emptiness with worldly things whether it be money, relationships, drugs, etc. You can even touch upon your testimony in this circle as you can share what you tried to find happiness in before you were saved.

Then we go into the second circle which discusses God’s original, perfect design of the world. Within this circle we connect it to the circle of brokenness as the sin from Adam and Eve was the first occurrence of sin entering the world (leads to brokenness). God did not want to leave us in our brokenness. This goes into the third circle which we discuss how God loves us so much that he sent his son (John 3:16) who died on the cross for our sins and overcame death through his resurrection. This allows whoever turns away from their sins (repents), accepts, and follows Jesus shall be saved and grow in their relationship with Him. Now those are the three circles BUT that’s not where it ends. We discuss how we go into a world filled with brokenness and share the good news with others. Again, this is just one of the many creative ways to share the gospel!

Ways to Share the Gospel: Blog or Social Media Accounts

Sharing the gospel doesn’t have to end with sharing in person. You can use your talents to share the gospel online. This can take many forms such as a blog (like the one you are on now) or through social media platforms. We can already see believers sharing the gospel through platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. You can get creative with the gifts God has given you to further his kingdom.

A positive of sharing the gospel online is you can be quite versatile on these platforms as you can share the gospel through art, comedy, music, documentaries, and more. Not only are you sharing the gospel but could be encouraging your brothers and sisters to step up and make their own account to share the gospel. Now, go out there and share the good news in your everyday life and through thousands online. 😉

Ways to Share the Gospel: Gospel Tracts or All Occasions

Gospel tracts, gospel, tracts, and gospel tracts! These tools are amazing ways to share the Gospel. You can use these to guide you in sharing the gospel with a friend, dropping these off at restaurants, locker rooms, bus stops, libraries, anywhere!! I even have given these tracts out in gifts, gift bags, or letters. I love using these Gospel tracts as they are the most simple yet accurate ones I have found. I also provided Gospel tracts I use during the fall season to give to children on Halloween with candy.

Ways to Share the Gospel: Your Testimony

Let’s start off by saying your testimony is POWERFUL. God gave you your testimony for a reason. What’s unique about testimonies is it’s your own personal experience no one can argue on facts or theology when you are simply sharing what God has done in your life.

One way to identify the main key points of your testimony you can use this illustration. You get to write down 2-3 things you struggled with before coming to Christ. Then on the opposite side, you write how those things changed.

This illustration doesn’t have any particular name as this technique was learned on a mission trip, but thought it would be unique to share. Keep in mind you don’t have to use this illustration. You can simply practice sharing your testimony in a short amount of time or share it with other believers. The best part is it's the story God gave you, you don’t have to memorize anything but it’s just nice to go over the main points!

Ways to Share the Gospel: The Roman Road to Salvation

The Roman Road to Salvation is another easy way to share the gospel. You can either remember these verses or sit down and go through the scriptures with someone to provide a clear message of the gospel. The Roman Road clearly provides a picture of our need for Jesus and our broken state without Him. However, it also shows the work Jesus did on the cross for us.


Ways to Share the Gospel: Share Christ’s Love

You might be thinking share Christ’s love? What does that have to do with sharing the gospel? It actually has a lot to do with it. It’s important that we be an example of what God’s love can do in our lives. We should constantly be a light to all we encounter. Being such a light will get people asking "Why are you so happy?" or "What changed in your life?". This is another opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

Ways to Share the Gospel: Flowers

Using flowers and attaching a simple note and Gospel track is such a cute way to shine some light on someone's day. I saw someone on TikTok do this and I thought it would be great to add this to my routine. The only thing different is I always try to include a Gospel track in any gifts, flowers, or gift bags whether it be for strangers, friends, or family.

I added the TikTok above, but as I am writing this I have some flowers and tracts I will be passing out this week. I'll be sure to post a picture of what it looks like! Remember you can be creative it doesn't have to look just like the TikTok video (put your own twist on it).

Ways to Share the Gospel: Prayer Walks

Prayer walks are walks where you go out in communities and pray for the individuals. Now, what’s great about this concept is you can simply apply this in your everyday life. When talking to people you encounter ask if you can pray with them. Let’s not jump over the fact that prayer is quite powerful. Many times this can go into a discussion to share the gospel.

ways to share the gospel


Ways to Share the Gospel: Start a Bible study or Ministry

Most of us can look within our community and easily identify a need to share God’s word with others. Whether you are a college student in a secular college or in a workspace with many nonbelievers, you can see the need and take action! If you want to take on a leadership position you can easily get involved with your brothers and sisters to form small groups or a ministry. For my girls out there who feel called, maybe start a women's Bible study and vice versus for men starting a men's bible study.

Ways to Share the Gospel: Movie Night, Baking, or Art Classes anyone?

To make an impact you don’t have to create a ministry or Bible study. You can get creative by hosting movie nights where you watch Christian movies or gospel stories together. Once you host these events you all could debrief and have quality discussions on what you watched and analyze the stories within scripture.

In addition, we’ve seen ministries have baking classes where you can create and teach others to make foods or treats. What’s interesting about this is you can make yummy treats inspired by stories within the Bible. In addition, you can host art classes where you can create your own paintings inspired by (you guessed it) the Bible. These are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

ways to share the gospel


Ways to Share the Gospel: Door to Door

Going door to door can seem intimidating but it can be quite impactful.

When going door to door it's important to go with an end goal in mind: sharing the gospel.

To make it easier to talk to people you can hand out church invitation flyers or other opportunities in the community. For example, when we went on a mission trip we partnered with a local job fair to pass out flyers for a job fair which gave multiple jobs to refugees. It’s quite easy to contact these organizations and promote these valuable opportunities to meet not only physical but also spiritual needs. Also, you can offer prayer to better understand the people within your communities and help them.

*It’s important to be safe when sharing the gospel this way so we recommend going with your local church or ministry in groups. Never go alone, at night, or in dangerous areas.

Ways to Share the Gospel: Invite People to Church & Bible Studies

Let’s face it, for many people, it can be intimidating to attend a church you weren’t invited to. Even for believers the process of looking for a church can be a challenge. That’s why it's highly encouraged that we invite all (believers or nonbelievers) to church, Bible studies, or any other church event. Having a friend or family member like you to be with them can automatically take off any uneasiness that comes with walking into a new environment. A simple invitation can get the ball rolling for you to continue to share your faith and answer any questions they have.

Pro Tip: Typically any event that has free food can add more to an individual’s motivation to go. Yes, it sounds weird but it's true. Think about it how many more people show up when there is a church event with food? Regardless, they’ll get to hear the gospel while getting their physical needs met.

Ways to Share the Gospel: Don’t Try to Fit Jesus into the Conversation, Just Do It

Many times we try to find a loophole in a conversation to talk about Jesus. While this can be effective instead of relying on this why not just flat-out say it? On a mission trip we once heard the mission director say the following statement you can use:

“Jesus is important in my life and you (whoever you’re talking to) are an important person in my life, so can I tell you a little bit about Jesus?”

It’s quite a direct and honest approach to sharing the gospel. Again, it’s just simply steering away from the common ideology that we have to find something in the conversation that somewhat relates to Jesus. We can use this approach but we can also just boldly share the gospel in an honest way. So, don’t worry about how you can fit Jesus into a conversation, just do it! :)

ways to share the gospel

Ways to Share the Gospel: Go on a Mission Trip

We could go on and on about the benefits of a mission trip. A mission trip is another perfect way to dedicate a period of time to fully serve and share the gospel. Not only is it a perfect opportunity to share the gospel in a new environment but you can learn new ways to share the gospel.

We understand it can be intimidating, but it is a decision that changes your life forever. The best part is you will have other brothers and sisters with you that will encourage one another to share the gospel.

ways to share the gospel


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